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Join a Movement, Timebank or Skills Swap


Timebanking links people to share their time and skills. Everyone’s time is equal: for example, an hour of help earns one time credit to spend when you need it. Everyone has something to give to help another regardless of age, ability or background.

Skills swap

Swapaskill is an online community of giving, sharing, fun and friendship where people make friends and swap favours and swap items. It’s a place that nurtures community spirit and a genuine caring for the environment.

Skills swap database


LETS (Local Exchange Trading Schemes) are about local trading (without the need for money or credit), using human capital. LETS are open to all, and all kinds of skills are both valued and needed. They are grassroots schemes and need no specialist skills to operate.

A group of local people get together, and compile a directory of skills and goods that they have to offer and need. This directory is then distributed amongst members and they exchange skills and goods using a local currency, often named after a local feature like “Creds” in Crediton.